Friday, January 16, 2009

Snow or sun the weekend offers ...

While I plan a weekend outdoors with sun, many of us are digging out of snow or just staying in to stay warm. Truth be told, I envy you.

I long for a day in the house. I long to make a pot of veggie soup and bake some bread. I dream of popping a movie into the dvd player and cranky up the fireplace.

Yes, I could do those things, but years of guilt overwhelm and I find myself making lists of pulling weeds, or sweeping pathways or simply a good winter cleaning and airing out the house.

Glass half full? Glass half empty? One never knows ....

In an effort to make your day buzz a little faster, consider these links for free games, movie downloads or other diversions of the winter weekend ahead.

  • Netflix: If you are already a member, take advantage of the movies that you can watch from your computer now. Thousands of possibilities can be watched NOW, no need to order your dvd and wait for the mail to arrive. If you are not a member, consider this small extravagance. Prices range from five to twenty dollars per month.( Cutest hubby and I have been a member for years, and I find myself watching movies when I am working late in the studio .....a great time to watch something just for you.)

  • Blogspot: Start a family blog. Gather your holiday photos, create a theme and start a blog to document your family and to share with other family members. Blogspot offers free blog space with easy features to add photos, film and more. Sites such as The Cutest Blog on the Block and others offer free backgrounds for instant whimsy.

  • Design an online photo album: Shutterfly and others, provide you with the ability to upload your collection of photos into a book format. You choose the papers, style, font and captions. Email friends and family a link to your grand work. If Auntie Mae likes it so much she can purchase the real thing, to hold in her hand and treasure. What fun!

  • Play some online games. Trusted sources from The History Channel, The Disney Channel, and m&m's offer free games that are family fun and safe.

Snow or sun, enjoy the best your weekend has to offer and have fun!

i adore this painting from kay crain. run to her site to play and purchase!

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