Saturday, August 23, 2008

Chrissi B! Why???

Sitting in a crowded office the other morning, trying very patiently to wait for our appointment ...Cutest Hubby and I were listening as one precocious four year old, walked around the room questioning everyone.

As each person graciously answered each question ...Why, they were wearing this and why they were doing that, my thoughts danced around why. Why?

In this quest of why, I ask why?

  • Why do we hurt the ones we love, when we are to love the ones we are with?
  • Why did I write an email to my dearest friend and say ..."By the by"? Why? What is "by the by" anyway?
  • Why are there recipes that call for a pound of cheese for four servings?
  • Why are all the houses that Cutest and I bid on, selling for tens of thousands, and tens of thousands over asking, if no one is buying houses? Why?
  • Why can an eighth grader not do simple math problems, but can program your computer to dance and spin with little effort? Why? Why can I do the math, yet not program my phone?
  • Why are the Olympics hosted in different countries around the world? Why not in an effort to be "green" do we not "re-use" a past venue that already has the needed stadiums, tracks, etc. Why?
  • Why are food labels allowed to error 10% of the facts? Why is the 10% never 10% less but 10% more that 100 calorie energy bar, may be 110 calories but most probably, not 90 calories! Why?
  • Why when a stranger asks a question do we feel the need to answer?

Now that I have tweaked your imagination ..... Why not walk around the world today and question a few things ....Why not! ...enjoy!

???this cute ???tee is from ruby fay to her site for a fun bit of maternity play???

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